I’m a Priestess, Seeress, Guide, Womb Oracle & Divinatrix.

My work here is to lead you to your Heavenly Template, in Crystalline Purification of the Organic Vessel with which all of existence is culminated into Creation. My body of work is centered around a harmonized purification structure that orients your body in natural detoxification with the Earth’s seasons. This is a balance of Feminine & Masculine energy.

It is my deep belief & experience that through regeneration we can orient & unveil our TRUE Divine DNA at the depths of our primordial origin. This happens by devoting yourself to the path of priestess, a life-long journey of unveiling the shadows in transmutation of darkness to efflorescent light.

In this journey of creation & union to the dormant bond of Christ, I usher you to meet yourself in the Mirror of Truth.

It is by courageously facing Truth, we awaken the LAW of Divine Resonance while invoking our Ancient Intelligence.

It is upon returning to our Pure Innocence, eradicating all debris from the Holy Spirit & Christ Body, returning to our Divine Nature of Simplicity, Wisdom, & Sacred Mysticism~ that we find Paradise, Joy & the Rapture of our soul destiny.

Beyond the Somatic Detoxification, my work invites you to remember & re-discover the hidden codes awaiting you on every step of your Celestial Journey towards Embodiment.

This is the Path of the Christess, the journey that saved me.

It is my honor to guide you Home, to the Paradise awaiting.

Love XO,

Priestess D


As a Sacred Key-holder, I believe our Divine Blueprint is threaded & woven from the celestial codes of our soul’s archetypal essence.

Diana Marceil Letts translates to “Divine Warrioress of Joy." I am here to represent Divine Discipline in the path of Christ Creation.

This Temple (& the work we do inside here) are the embodiment of the Goddess Diana specifically (also known as Hecate, Artemis, Persephone, Yemaya, Luna or Selene, & Diana Lucifera). Without directly addressing deities in this work, the alchemic purification of the Womb opens the Bridge to celestial creation with the Gods.

The root of all of my work is to open the pathways to your Truth, Primordial Innocence, Immortality, Divinity & Heavenly Paradise.


In the Angel Path, the structure of devotional work is framed around lifetime initiation of regeneration, purification & divine revelations. I walk you through a seasonal detox approach with simple practices to unveil more & more of your Truth & Divine Nature embedded deeply within the organic DNA over time.

artemis archive of alchemy

Beyond the Body Work, additional teachings are installed from time to time in pathways & collections of consciousness within the often evolving Artemis Archive which all lead you into reflective calibration of orienting your true destiny into reality. Lectures invite you deeper in Truth & your Divine Revelation.