majesty organix mysterion of divine feminine arts:
Ariccia Ecclesia ~ for those who are summoned.
A sacred woman’s path to primordial purification & paradisiacal co-creation.
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Meet me in the Paradise Parlor on Substack. A place for Divine Creators of New Earth to expand & explore. To share your Divinity with community & awaken new truths.
academy of angelic arts
Initiate into the Angel Path of Ariccia Ecclesia, the Artemisia Archive, for the Sacred Women whom are Summoned for the Christess Key of Heaven on Earth. An evergreen enrollment.
sacred Sister group Trips
Fill out the survey to help me plan our first group trip. A connecting ceremony of Divine celebration & meeting of kindred souls anchoring the grid of New Earth in love.
Priestess | Prophetess | Divinatrix
Diana Marceil Letts — Divine Disciple & Initiated Template Key-Holder of the Crystalline Christ Consciousness, New Earth Dragoness, Anointed Bridge to the Kingdom of Heaven & Divine Warrioress.
purify the paradisiacal womb for creation of true heaven on earth
About diana & her practice:
Diana is an anointed & initiated High Priestess in the lineage of Diana the Primordial Goddess & all relations of Her embodiment beneath the Dark Moon.
Her practice explores the Divine Feminine Mysteries rooted in the foundational principles of Christ Consciousness for reaching Truth, Sovereignty & Heaven Fulfillment.
about the ministry service:
Majesty Organix Ministries came to life in year of Diana’s Greater Awakening & has re-birthed through several revolutions with her core practices & community.
We are devoted to being of service to the Women Who Are Summoned to birth the portals of the New Earth for the Kingdom of Heaven. In leadership, truth & wisdom.
divine counsel & soul guidance—
unveil the unseen, to step into sovereignty~
Book an oracular session with Diana to zone in on your true field.
During these sessions, any unseen barriers or limiting blocks may be discovered for inspection to reach the next level of fulfillment.
A basic session can cover any zone relative to your current cycle of evolution & what data or truths you need to know at this time.
Common types of readings may include orienting your soul brand for your highest destined archetype in your New Earth Business & calibrating your Priestess Path, scanning destinies woven through the Earth based on your personal ley lines in Astrocartography, or auric template body scans to assess your level of DNA Resonance.
A basic session involves 30 minutes of voice & text connection on Whatsapp covering one specific area of oracular guidance desired.
For additional support, 3 more days may be added of post-session oracular counsel where more detail & instruction may be offered.
To receive a Divine Consult, book below. To apply for any Higher Level Divine Leadership Oracular Council for your trusted team, please book a Divine Consult first & inquire on counsel, privately.